Contact & location
If you have any questions about the accomodation, services or how to get to Finca Aldabra we will be happy to help you via email or by phone. Contact us and we will respond as soon as possible
Crta A-4026 km 6,1, 18191 Pinos Genil, Granada
607 60 20 80
How to get
Once you arrive in Granada having circulated on the A-44 or the A-92 roads, take the Sierra Nevada direction and once on the A-395 road when you reach a tunnel you have to take the right lane.
Then, after a service area on the left, we will take the exit towards Pinos Genil, driving along the A-4026 road and without letting this road reach km 6.1 where you will find FINCA ALDABRA at the foot of the road to the right.